Active Members
Active membership is open to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs)
The subscription for Active Members is 15 euros per year.
MEPs who want to become Active Members of the EEF have to submit their application to the Association.
The Active Members have the right to vote at the General Assembly and may be appointed to the Board of Directors.
Associate Members
Associate Membership is open to companies, association, research groups, regulators active in the energy sector.
The annual membership fee for Associate Members is a minimum of 7000 euros.
There is a reduction applied for non commercial associations that have, amongst their members, companies that are already members of the EEF themselves. The reduced annual contribution is 2500 euros.
Research organisations pay an annual membership fee of 2500 euros.
Energy actors that want to become Associate Member of the EEF must submit their application to the Association. Once their membership request has been accepted and they contribute the annual fee agreed with the EEF, the new Associate Member can attend on a regularly basis the EEF events.
Associate Members constituted as associations, organizations, groupings or federations undertake only to be the spokesperson of the collective interests they represent to the exclusion of the individual interests of any of their own full or Associate members. Only the secretariat of the Association will be allowed to participate in the EEF activities.
Representatives of “consultancy” firms can neither be taken into account for membership of the EEF, nor participate in EEF events unless a player in the energy sector and Associate Member of the EEF specifically states that they will be represented by such “consultant”.
Should a consultant be mandated by a company in the energy sector to be their official representative, we would be pleased to consider the Associate membership of that company to the European Energy Forum with the consultant as permanent EEF contact of the company. Invitations to EEF events are not transferable inside the consultancy.
The EEF is pleased to welcome non-member companies eligible for membership to two of EEF events. After, the EEF reserves the right to request membership for further attendance at events.
Membership is automatically renewed for the next year. An Associate Members who does not wish to renew its membership has to send to the EEF Secreatriat a written notification at the latest 6 months before the end of the year ( before 30th June).
In order to facilitate the exchange and discussions, these take place under “Chatham House Rule”. Each participant acknowledges the existence of this rule and commits to respect it unconditionally, through his participation to an event in order to encourage openness and sharing of information without disclosing the identity or affiliation of the source of the information and without disclosing the identity of other participants.